Libraries and Tools

These libraries and tools can be used with TV3D projects.

TV3D 6.5:

Open Source:
TvTerrainPaint - allows you to paint on a heightmap with 3 platting textures
TVScene Manager - a good solution for massive and complex 3D worlds
Progressive Mesh Tool - reduce the polycount of meshes

Ammunition SDK - Advanced user interface library, Half-life .map file loader, random name generator
RNS Performance Profiler - show performance timers as graphs

EagleEye's TrueVision Projects - EEGUI, TVM & TVA Mass Converter, Material Editor
Geonardo - A world creation system, including a world editor and samples
PlanetX Map Editor - An advanced 3D world editor for TV3D 6.5

TV3D 6.3:

ZPGui - A GUI ysytem by zicmaxx